What Is Vpn For Phones
A virtual private network vpn conceals internet data traveling to and from your device.
What is vpn for phones. You typically use an app from a vpn provider to use these settings. Vpns protect your privacy so the tl dr version of the description above is. It sends your data in a scrambled format this is known as encryption that s unreadable to anyone who may want to intercept it.
They are used to protect your privacy. All data traveling between your computer smartphone or tablet and the vpn server is securely encrypted. A vpn is a secure tunnel that sends data between two devices that can t be intercepted by anyone else.
A vpn is a program you can run on your phone to encrypt your data better and hide your activity from your internet service provider. Vpn software lives on your devices whether that s a computer tablet or smartphone. What does vpn mean on my phone.