What Is Softether Vpn Client Manager
It is the world s most powerful and easy to use multi protocol vpn client software.
What is softether vpn client manager. It s basically a vpn service that uses the softether protocol. For details on vpn client manager and vpn client see 4. A computer with installed softether vpn client can establish a vpn connection to the vpn server.
Vpn client manager is the only software directly operated by the average end user using vpn system by softether vpn. Softether vpn client manual. With some providers you need to install additional software from softether while other providers integrate the protocol into their clients meaning you don t need to do anything else.
Softether vpn client is a vpn client program which has the virtualized function of an ethernet network adapter. Softether means software ethernet. Vpn client manager enables you to control vpn client create new connection settings or virtual network adapters and connect to softether vpn server using the connection settings.