What Is A Vpn Peer Ip Address
You can still access the content but no one will know who you are and you will get much better privacy.
What is a vpn peer ip address. Click ok and the apply to save your change. A remote customer has changed their public ip address and now the vpn has gone down. The peer ip address is the ip address of the device that the vpns will terminate at.
Your device s online address that websites and services use to send data back to. Hello i have an asa 5520 with multiple site to site vpn s. Your ip address can include information on your physical location the type of device you re using.
You can tell them apart by looking at the destination ip ranges. You will need to use the ip address 172 22 2 2 as the peer address at your end as that will point all vpn traffic at the juniper device. User 228451 5353 posts.
So if your cisco asa has the ip address 172 22 1 2 the juniper will use this as the peer address. Add the new ip to the ip address of peer to be added field and click add. Edit the crypto map for the desired vpn link.