What Ip Address Does Vpn Use
When you visit a website your isp makes a connection request on your behalf with the destination but uses your true ip address.
What ip address does vpn use. The short answer to our titular question is that yes using vpn software does hide your ip address substituting your real ip with a fake ip instead namely the ip of the vpn server. This application is particularly important for travelers who need to access websites from their home country and for people living in regions rife with censorship like china and iran. Websites and other parties won t be able to trace your online actions back to your location and identity based on your ip address provided your provider has an adequate no logging policy.
Vpns work using shared ip addresses for their servers. The problem with free vpn is you never know why do they provide a free service. We all love using free services.
In this process your public ip address is revealed. It is completely normal. This way your own ip address stays hidden.
With a vpn server your online requests are rerouted. This is how it works without a vpn ip address. This is how it works with a vpn and a fake ip address.
Another popular way of using the vpn is installing an openvpn client that can be configured to use any of the modern vpn providers. A static or dedicated ip is like having a specific ip address every time you connect through your vpn. This allows users to access websites only available to users from a certain country.
When a website or your internet service provider checks your ip address they will see the ip address and location that your vpn provider assigned to you. Vpn services provide different gateway cities where the ip address assigned to your computer is located. That s important because ip addresses are distributed geographically and can be used to.