How To Use A Vpn In China
Use expressvpn on your computer to securely connect to a server and then set up a personal hotspot through your wifi connection.
How to use a vpn in china. To watch hd videos online you ll need a reliable high speed vpn provider like expressvpn or nordvpn. The most reliable way to access youtube in china is through a vpn. What should i look for when choosing a vpn to china.
There are free vpns you can find online and they work fine but they aren t as fast as paid vpns. 2 from the list of vpn servers choose one vpn server that s located in china. How to access youtube in china.
To use expressvpn on your smartphone in china you can connect your phone to your computer s hotspot. 3 connect to that chinese vpn server. The first is the chameleon protocol which vyprvpn designed specifically for use in china.
The more than 700 server locations we mentioned are all protected by vyprdns seeing as vyprvpn owns all of the servers that it uses. With a working vpn that provides vpn servers in china you can follow the following steps to get a chinese ip address.